Friday, 6 November 2015

King Kong (2005)

I just watched King Kong (2005) yesterday. Now I regret I did. It was a horrible film. More precisely, it was the most vomit-inducing film I'd ever seen this year. Because every gigantic insect in the film looks unnecessarily realistic. It gives me goose bumps just recollecting how they crawled or buzzed around poor humans... Dude, it's a King Kong movie, not Starship Troopers! I bet whoever designed the bugs must've been a psycho!

The worst creature in the film was the centipede... My childhood home was located near bamboo woods where I could find centipedes under stones or inside logs. Sometimes, I would even find them crawling in my house. What's worse, one day, I was bitten by a centipede in the pinky toe. Thank God it was a small one, but I cried for a good one hour in a terrible pain! That was a living hell.

So when I saw a much bigger one crawling in King Kong, I really regretted I had started to watch the film.  

Sunday, 2 August 2015


Hello, nice to meet you.
I am Pitchshifter.
Let me start this blog by introducing myself.

I was born and raised in Japan.
I have never been to other countries.
Around 10 years ago, I got interested in a world-famous MMORPG.
But it was not localized to our country.
So I decided to study English.

Since then, I have played so many video games from abroad and read so many English books. They have informed how I speak and write English.

On this blog, I am going to tell you what I learned about English from video games, books, news articles, etc.
My English is not very good.
But I'll do my best. 

I hope you enjoy this website!